Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Actually no,moksha is only his one of the activitie.In birth chart ketu represents moksha,eye sight,land,property,gold,pride,spouse,childern,business,happines,knowledge weather it is good or bad,unexcpetd profit or loses it depends upon ketu postion in birth chart.

Role of ketu

Ketu gana gives us in this life like unfullied duties in previous life that we have to do in this life.Like if ketu in first house that person have perfome duties regarding him slef.In second house he/she has to work for family.In third house work for siblings,relatives,job,profession.In fourth house work for mother and family also.In fifth house for ANCESTRAL God ,childern.In sith house need to work for uncle ,aunty.have to face debts,health issues.In seventh house for spouse and partneship business.In eight house for heritage duites.It is not good for ayu(life).In ninght house for father and his/her religion also.For 10th house for job ,society and govt.Elventh house for elder brother/sisters.Twleth house for moksha.It is also depending upon which palnt situatied in that house.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Before knowing about rahu graha we have to know about role of guru graha.normaly guru graha carries good deeds of previous life to present life.similary but reversely rahu graha carries bad deeds of previous life to present life.rest depends on postion of guru,rahu in birth chart.
Rahu represents materialistic life in birth chart.rahu graha suitabule postions in birth chart 3,6 and 11 houses in birth chart.If they are favourable houses to rahu then 3rd house gives courage,6th house gives destroy enemies and 11th house gives unexcepted profits might be rigt or wrong way.negitive of rahu graha is destroy the house.i.e if in 3rd place rahu graha situated it is not good for younger brother or sister,simillarly 6th house not good for our realtives,11th house unexcepted profit might not be permanent
rahu drushti (watching) is three types i.e 5th 7th 9th houses from where rahu graha situated in birth charat.from 9th house gets prevous birth bad deeds gives to 5th house throught 7th house.For example simha lagana birth chart(leo asc) rahu graha in 11th house(gemini) so,rahu drusthi in 3rd house,5th house,7th house.3rd house is libra,5th house is sagittarius,7th house is aquarius.9th house from rahu is 7th house from leo is he/she prevous birth bad deed i.e he/she not faithful to his/her spouse.might be betray his/her spouse.so that bad deed carries throught sagittarius(dharma house) effects on libera ruled by venus normally 7th house from aries.so he/she faces problems by younger brothres/sistres,realtives.escepesaly problems have to face in his/her marriage.It is some difficult to geting married or chose right lifepartner.