Monday, September 24, 2018


Not exactly,but one of the reason for divorce.we have to also take concern of guru,shukra and 7th lord postions in that partucular birth,first of all we have to know what is kuja dosha and its effects.

kuja or angaraka graha is situated in 1,2,12,4,7,8 positions from lagna,chandra(moon) and shukra in birth chart is called kuja dosha.from lagna kuja dosha effects maximum 32 years.but here some of the exceptions for kuja dosha, they are

If midhuna and kanya are 2nd house of in that chart means from lagna,chandra or shukra

If vrushabha,tula are 12th houses

If mesha,varshika are 4th houses

If makara,karkata are 7th houses

If dhanush rasi is 8th house

And also kumba,simha rasi or lagna this kuja dosha not applicabule fully.

if lagna has this ascepts kuja dosha not effects all ascepts of life upto 32 yeras,chandra has this is kind of ascepts after 32 yeras effects of kuja dosha decreases.for shukura kuja dosha not effects his or her marrige life.

we have to know what is kuja dosha effects,if kuja in lagna kuja dosha effects on eduction,job marriage,land,brothers,mother,ayushu,vechicles.if kuja in second house effects on primary education,speech,eye, money,family,deseases,marriage.if kuja in 4 th house effects on mother, education ,vechicles,family realtions,job,marriage,some of the body parts.if kuja in 7th house kuja dosha effects on marriage,patnership business,money,whole body.If kuja in 8th house kuja dosh effects on adultry realtionships,brothers,ayshu,wife or husband ayushu,sexualdeseases.

Remides of kuja dosha both Birde and bride groom have kuja dosha ,kuja dosha not effects on their marrige life.if boy or girl have kuja dosha before marrige they have to do kuba vivha i.e marrige pot after that broke the pot.worship lord subramnya with beeja mantra "SHARAVANYABHAVA"with red flowers and red friuts.also worhip lord hanuman every tuesday.

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