Monday, September 17, 2018


Yes chandra is reason for all these problems why beacuse chandra is manhakark in joythisha, first we have to know what is chandra dosha ,its problems and remides.

varchika stana necha stana for chandra graha,chandra combine with rahu and ketu malefic graha and no support ,no nechabanga raj yogas then it is chandra graha dosha.also malefic graha dresthi on chandra graha leads cahndra graha dosha.

chandra graha also indicates childhood in our life so, this dosha is also called BALAARISTA.this is not going to be good for childerns when they have balaarista dosha.when chendra in 8th house that is jala stana like kartak,varchika and meena he /she faces lots helath issues like cold, most important thing is that he/she never go alone to swim in sea and rivers thats very dangerous.

so ,what is the problems to face when we have chandra dosha in our jataka ...problems with our mother or like mother sisters.problem with water creachers,ladies face womb problems,love failures,tensile,astma,nevers problem,histriya,madness,drug edict.alcholic,tension,for ladis menses problem,for jents sperm problem and hydrocal.these problem arise when chandra dosha in jataka chakra.

What is the remdies of chandra grha dosha ,every monday we worship lord shiva with abishaka.we worship lord parvathi(gowri devi) with white flowers.childerns who had balaarista dosha they have to weare MOONSTONE with half silver moon (ardha chandra kara).when chandra in astam stana (8th house) have to wear moonstone ring.who have histriya and madness problems ,when every night going to sleep before that fill water in sliver glass or white color bottole next day morning they have to drink that water.Or white rice may be 1/4 kg tied in white cloth keept under their pillow and day morning mix with water and sugar after 3 or 4 hrs feed it to a cow.

one impotant thing is that one who has chandra dosha they never do busines like milk,rice fruit business otherwise they may face losses.

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